Funny Joke

#jokes #funny #comedy #humor

Daytime Television

A newspaper reporter was writing a feature story about prison life and
was interviewing one of the prisoners. “Do you watch much television

“Only the daytime shows,” the inmate said. “At night we’re locked in
our cells and don’t see any television.”

“That’s too bad,” the reporter said, “But I do think it is nice that
the warden lets you watch it in the daytime.”

“What do you mean, nice?” the inmate said. “That’s part of the

Funny Joke

#jokes #funny #comedy #humor

I’m not afraid of dying, but I sure hope I
use all my vacation days before it happens.

Funny Doctor Joke

#jokes #funny #comedy #humor

A patient was waiting nervously in the examination room of a famous

“So who did you see before coming to me?” asked the important doctor.

“My local General Practitioner, Dr. Smith.”

“Your GP?” scoffed the doctor. “What a waste of time. Tell me, what
sort of stupid and useless advice did Smith give you?”

“He told me to come and see you….”

Funny Joke

#jokes #funny #comedy #humor

Good News Bad News

A machine operator comes home from the factory and tells his wife:
“Honey, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.  First, the good
news: I got $25,000.00 severance pay!”

His wife said: “$25,000.00 in severance pay?  That’s great!  Now,
what’s the bad news?”

He said: “Wait till you hear what was severed!”